5 useful websites to check your network safety and fake news warning
Belonging to the National Cyber Security Center (NCSC), this is a free testing tool (items 1,2,3)
1. Check for malware in your network: https://congcu.khonggianmang.vn/check-ipma/
2. Check personal account information leak: https://congcu.khonggianmang.vn/check-data-leak/
3. Check scam website: https://congcu.khonggianmang.vn/check-phishing/
For Google, now you can make a request to delete outdated or sensitive data that is no longer true of your website or your own personal information in the Google search engine.
4. Google Search Console: https://search.google.com/search…/remove-outdated-content
You will be updated and increased awareness of fake news alerts via Tiktok FactCheckVN of Vietnam News Agency (official government) (270k Followers)
5. FactCheckVN: https://www.tiktok.com/@factcheckvn